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[E] DaMooogle
[E] DaMooogle
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I donated $20!!!! That means I'm cool!!!!
over 13 years ago
Skyborne wrote: Cfowler2790 and Damooogle keep building giant penises in front of or around our base, and this time they gave it region protection and stuff. my name is Brennan Cox PWNED!!!!!! Lets refresh the topic in issue with a glorious SLIDESHOW!!!!!! Cox Isle !! And all its pleasures !!
over 13 years ago
What you talkin about DarkPhoenix??? Ever since Skyborne got a friend of mine banned, he has been trying to get me to build at his base with him!!! He got Xifer banned, then instantly tried to poach me... LOL!!! It is actually quite funny!!! So build I did!!!! It's only MY land!!!!
over 13 years ago
COX ISLE should be open to the public at this moment, but a retarded moderator decided that our PROTECTED land should be given to another! WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! The admins and mods on this server just keep on fucking up! Day after day the keep breaking their own rules!!!!! BAD MODS, BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's a taste of what all Cox Isle gives to this spiraling out of control server!
over 13 years ago
First off, there is nothing fair at all about extra compensation. Second off, you already spawned all the items taken for Skyborne! He has all his stuff! Nothing need be done, but destroy the taken goods! Third off, I have tried to resolve this problem with you ingame and you would not have of it. You needed it to be drawn out longer and longer and let this little quarrel grow in this forum. You are making some huge mistakes here. I hope you realize that you are putting other players off, like me, and making this take much longer than it should. "Compensation" is absurd! Xifer has done about 1% of the mining in our area! He has been a "builder only." Any "compensation" you take from him will be "MY BELONGINGS!" I cannot believe I am having to post on this thread! Not to mention, the items taken were taken from an "UNPROTECTED Chest" in an "UNPROTECTED Zone" and yet you simply ban before even talking to Xifer! Where is the logic on that? Unban him! He will give you the items taken! AND IT WILL BE DONE! Everyone stop all this childish nonsense!
over 13 years ago